Maybe green energy could have been further along in its commercial development, if wind, solar and biofuel et al had been promoted as supplemental rather than alternative energy sources. Environmentalists shouldn't have been so quick and strident to vilify fossil fuels, especially since oil and gas are almost soley responsible for the high standard of living Americans have enjoyed for more than a century. At this point in its development, alternative' energy (unless you're counting nuclear energy) can't come close to matching the efficiency and economy of fossil fuels. Oil produces 11 times more energy per dollar invested, say some in the oil patch. But that doesn't include the cost of harm to the environment, argues the green lobby.
Bench technology in 'supplemental' energy generation has indeed advanced. But it is in no position yet to replace fossil fuels economically and practically. President Obama misspoke last March at a truck plant in Mount Holly, North Carolina, when he described oil as "a fuel of the past." But he spoke for a lot of people who think wind, solar and bio energy can step right in and do what fossil fuels have done for the last 100 years. It's too early to write oil's obit, and I'm not keen on being regulated back to the stone ages. Or even back to the 1800s for that matter.
Oil as a fuel of the past? Not so fast. Mother earth has been turning matter into fossil fuel resources for 400 million years. But humans have only been using oil for 100. There's plenty more where only a century's worth of it came from, though admittedly it's tougher and more expensive to produce. In the last 40 years, we've become skilled at burning it efficiently, conserving it wisely and even cleaning it up better.
Green energy should play a backup role to fossil fuel until its ready to compete at the varsity level. At some point it will become a reliable alternative. If green energy were regarded as the JV team instead of a rival, big oil would probably train it, groom it and guarantee its eventual membership in the energy industry's Lettermen's club. Big oil has the capabiliity to put green energy into the game before the 'greens' can.
Bench technology in 'supplemental' energy generation has indeed advanced. But it is in no position yet to replace fossil fuels economically and practically. President Obama misspoke last March at a truck plant in Mount Holly, North Carolina, when he described oil as "a fuel of the past." But he spoke for a lot of people who think wind, solar and bio energy can step right in and do what fossil fuels have done for the last 100 years. It's too early to write oil's obit, and I'm not keen on being regulated back to the stone ages. Or even back to the 1800s for that matter.
Oil as a fuel of the past? Not so fast. Mother earth has been turning matter into fossil fuel resources for 400 million years. But humans have only been using oil for 100. There's plenty more where only a century's worth of it came from, though admittedly it's tougher and more expensive to produce. In the last 40 years, we've become skilled at burning it efficiently, conserving it wisely and even cleaning it up better.
Green energy should play a backup role to fossil fuel until its ready to compete at the varsity level. At some point it will become a reliable alternative. If green energy were regarded as the JV team instead of a rival, big oil would probably train it, groom it and guarantee its eventual membership in the energy industry's Lettermen's club. Big oil has the capabiliity to put green energy into the game before the 'greens' can.